SVPES Managed

N. G. Patel Polytechnic

Events Detail (Electrical Engineering)

N. G. Patel Polytechnic
Electrical Engineering Department
FDP/STTP Organised by Electrical Department
FDP TitleDateTimeExpert NameTopic NameNo. of
Co coordinator
1June.2020FDPEnergy and Sustainable Development6/8/202010:30 to 12:00Chinmay D. ShuklaEnergy Conservation and Renewable Energy Sources184144V. K. Patel
N. G. Mistry
Y. D. Patel
6/9/202010:30 to 12:00Priyank DaveGasification of Coal, Biomass and MSW
6/10/202010:30 to 12:00Hitesh K. MehtaPV Modelling and MPPT Techniques
6/11/202010:30 to 12:00Rupesh JambudiEnvironment Management System
6/12/202010:30 to 12:00Kishan SevakRecent Trends in Renewable Nergy Sources
2July.2020FDPIndustrial Automation7/28/202010:30 to 12:00Mehul K. TamboliIntroduction about industrial automation110132N. G. Mistry
R. H. Maisuriya
7/29/202010:30 to 12:00Mohan PatelPLC programming and its applications
7/30/202010:30 to 12:00Mahesh ParmarIndustrial drives
3August.2020FDPRecent Trends in Power Electronics8/20/202011:00 to 1:00Jignesh R.PrajapatiDevelopment of Electronics8894N. G. Mistry
R. H. Maisuriya
8/21/202011:00 to 1:00Tejas M.PanchalBasics of Multi Level Inverter
8/22/202011:00 to 1:00Pratik D.SolankiElectrical Drive System
4September.2020FDPHydrocarbon Fuel Cell Technology9/30/202011:00 to 1:00Dr. Vinod S. TejwaniHydrocarbon Fuel Cell Technology-1107109N. P. Prajapati
N. C. Pandya
10/1/202011:00 to 1:00Dr. Vinod S. TejwaniHydrocarbon Fuel Cell Technology-2
10/2/202011:00 to 1:00Dr. Vinod S. TejwaniHydrocarbon Fuel Cell Technology-3
5October.2020FDPSimulation & Applications of Arduino10/20/202010:30 to 12:00Kevin C. ShahIntroduction to Arduino9595V. K. Patel
Y. D. Patel
M. G. Vasava
10/21/202010:30 to 12:00Milind KansaraSimulation & Applications of Arduino
10/22/202010:30 to 12:00J. R. PrajapatiApplications of Arduino
6May.2021FDPRobotics & Embeded System5/12/202110:30 to 12:00Komal R.SoniElectronics7062N. G. Mistry
R. H. Maisuriya
5/13/202110:30 to 12:00Komal R.SoniRobotics
5/14/202110:30 to 12:00Komal R.SoniEmbeded systems
7September.2021FDPSolar Pv generation &Analysis9/15/202110:30 to 12:00Tejas M.PanchalIntoduction of Solar P V Generation8578N. G. Mistry
R. H. Maisuriya
9/16/202110:30 to 12:00Mehul K. TamboliSolar grid inverters
9/17/202110:30 to 12:00Mr. Henal H. BhagatwalaInstallation of Solar P V System
9/18/202110:30 to 12:00Mehul K. TamboliField Visit
8June.2022FDPFundamentals of Electrical Engineering6/6/202210:30 to 11:30Mehul K. TamboliFundamentals of electrical Circuit6855N.C.Pandya
Y. D. Patel
6/6/202211:30 to 12:30Kevin C. ShahFundamentals of Digital Electronics
6/7/202210:30 to 11:30J. R. PrajapatiFundamentals of electrical Machines
6/7/202211:30 to 12:30Mr.Jay A.doctorFundamentals of electronics Components
6/8/202210:30 to 12:00Mehul K. TamboliField Visit
9February.2023FDPArduino & Industrial Automation using PLC2/7/202310:30 to 02:00Mehul K. TamboliIndustrial Automation4440N. G. Mistry
R. H. Maisuriya
2/8/202310:30 to 02:00Kevin C. ShahIntoduction of Arduino
2/9/202310:30 to 02:00J. R. PrajapatiApplications of PLC
10April.2024FDPAutomation & Solar Energy4/3/202410:30 to 12:00J. R. PrajapatiIntroduction of PLC 3535N.C.Pandya
4/4/202410:30 to 12:00Mehul K. TamboliSolar Energy
4/5/202410:30 to 12:00Mehul K. TamboliField Visit

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