SVPES Managed

N. G. Patel Polytechnic

Achievements (Electrical Engineering)

  1. Electrical Engineering Department gets 6th rank in all over Gujarat in GTU in 4th semesterSUMMER-2012 result.
  2. Electrical Engineering Department gets 6th rank in all over Gujarat in GTU in 4th semester result of SUMMER-2012 Exam.
  3. Electrical Engineering Department receive certificate of appreciation for participation in ”CREATO 2019” a national level project completion at BBIT-V.V. nagar on dt. 30th March 2019

Staff Achievement (20092010)




Paper Published by N.P.Prajapati on “Alternate Energy sources for Rural Development” in National conference held at Parvatibai Genba Moze College of Engineering, Wagholi, Pune on 31st January,2009


A paper presented by Vijay K. Patel on “Energy Conservation and Optimization of performance in Compressed Air System’, National Conference “Energy & Nanotechnology: Strategy for the Future” (NCENSF-09), Jaipur Engineering College, Jaipur, 14-15 February, 2009.


A paper presented by Vijay K. Patel on “Energy Management: A management of Cost and Climate” at ICEEE, MITR, Pune


 Paper published V. K. Patel, H.J. Patel “Biomass based FBC Technology for Cogeneration Application” in Institute of Engineers (India), Raipur.

Staff Achievement (20112012)

1V.K.Patel – Gold Medalist , M.Tech (Electrical) , 9.4 CGPA , SVNIT
2Paper Published by V.K.Patel on “Implementation of three –phase shunt active power filter using novel control technique” at CPRI Journal, Banglore.
3V.K.Patel currently performs as an External Project Guide of 3 Master Degree students & 9 Bachelor Degree students.
4Paper Published by A.V.Mistry on “Bluetooth –A long range wireless technology a review” at Marudhar Engineering College, Rajasthan.

Staff Achievement   2013

1Paper published in CPRI (Central Power Research Institute, Banglore) Journal in December 2012, vol.8, no.4, Page no-271 on “Implementation of Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Using Novel Control Technique.” By V.K.Patel.
2Paper published in International Journal of Electrical System & Control in December 2012, Vol. 4, NO. 2, Page no. 75-80 on “Analysis & Implementation of Active Power Filter based on New Real Time Control Algorithm”, By V.K.Patel.
3V.K.Patel is guided to the 10 students of B.E. (UG level) of GEC, valsad college for their projects.
4V.K.Patel is also guided to the 03 students of M.E. (PG level) of GEC, valsad college for their projects.
5Mr. N.G.Mistry Published Paper in International Conference on Research & Development in Engineering Technology & Sciences 7th April 2013, at G.K. Bharad Institute of Engineering Tramba, Rajkot on “Development of Active Suspension System for Car using Fuzzy Logic Controller, PID & Genetically optimize PID controller.

Staff Achievement   2014


Mr. Nikunj G. Mistry has presented a technical paper on “ DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT OF GENETICALLY OPTIMIZED CONVENTIONAL POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER” in national conference PEPCCI- 2014 at SVIT , Vasad, Gujarat held on 23rd  to 25th January, 2014.

ISBN – 978-81-923462-2-9.

Staff Achievement   2015

Sr.NoName & Achievement of staff
1V.K.Patel is also guided to the Two students of M.E. (PG level) of GEC, Valsad college for their projects.
2V.K.Patel get opportunity as a Judge for Project Competition – Prakalp-2015 Held at A.Y.Dadabhai Polytechnic College. Kosamba on 25th March, 2015

Staff Achievement   2016

Sr.NoName & Achievement of staff
1V.K.Patel is also guided to the Eight students of U.G level of GEC, Valsad college for their projects.
2V.K.Patel get opportunity as a Expert Lecturer on subject of “Electrical Machines” at A.Y.Dadabhai Polytechnic College. Kosamba on 15th March, 2016.
3V.K.Patel get opportunity as a Expert Lecturer on subject of “Energy Conservation & Audit” at A.Y.Dadabhai Polytechnic College. Kosamba on 24th August, 2016.

Staff Achievement   2017

Sr.NoName & Achievement of staff
1V.K.Patel is also guided to the Eight students of U.G level of GEC, Valsad college for their projects.
2V.K.Patel get opportunity as a Expert Lecturer on subject of “Electrical Machines” at A.Y.Dadabhai Polytechnic College. Kosamba on 15th March, 2016.
3V.K.Patel get opportunity as a Expert Lecturer on subject of “Energy Conservation & Audit” at A.Y.Dadabhai Polytechnic College. Kosamba on 24th August, 2016.

Staff Achievement2022

1Y.D..Patel – Gold Medalist , M.E. (Electrical) , 9.36 CGPA , CVM University, V.V.Nagar

Student Achievement2013


Name & Achievement of students


Maisuriya Nisarg D. (106370309001) got the first rank in Electrical Engineering Department in all over Gujarat in GTU.


1. Faldu Madhav G. (116370309029) 2. Patel Parth D. (116370309028) 3. Vashi Kushangi (126370309004) & 4. Desai Karan (126370309016) got the 3rd rank in THE ALCHEMIST event in PRAKARSH’13 (a national level technical symposium) at SVIT, vasad.




Patidar Kratik V. (106370309087) 2. Patel Denish H. (106370309072) 3. Pancholi Kinjal P. (106370309086) 4.  Chaudhari Rasilaben M. (106370309089) won the First Prize in Project competition on the topic of “Antitheft transformer protection using GSM technology” at Vidhyabharti trust, Umrakh. Date:-16/4/2013


Ajay S. Patel won the 1st prize in Surat District Yoga Championship at T & TV Sarvajanik High School, Nanapura, Surat on 18th August 2013.

Student Achievement2015

Sr. No

Name & Achievement of students


Patel Ajay Saileshbhai (126370309071) has been participated in 39th National Yogasana Sports Championship held at Hyderabad during 26th to 29 th  December 2014


Patel Ajay Saileshbhai (126370309071) has been selected as Judge in Yoga Championship at Olpad Taluka level Khel Mahakhumbh Held at Olpad on 7th January 2015.


1. Patel Rahul Hasmukhbhai. (126370309068)

2. BhavasarYash Vinodbhai (126370309076)

3. Prajapati Akash Nathubhai (126370309072) secured 3rd rank in MODEL MAKING event in CREATION- 2015 (a state level technical symposium) at BVIT –UMRAKH ON 31ST MARCH 2015


Vasvani Nikita Maheshbhai  (136370309120) got the Third rank with 9.82 CGPA in 3rd Semester Electrical Engineering Department in all over Gujarat in GTU.


Gohil Ajay Pratapsinh (136370309024) got the Eight rank with 9.18 CGPA in 3rd Semester Electrical Engineering Department in all over Gujarat in GTU.

Student Achievement2016

Sr. No

Name & Achievement of students


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Khel Maha Kumbh – 2016 Gandhinagar  during 18th January  to 18th February  2016 in swimming & win 1st prize in 100mtr free style.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Khel Maha Kumbh – 2016 Gandhinagar  during 18th January  to 18th February  2016 in swimming & win 1st prize in 100mtr breast stroke


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Surat District Aquatic Championship, Surat on 22nd April,  2015 in swimming & secured 3rd in 50mtr free style.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Surat District Aquatic Championship,Surat on 22nd April,  2015 in swimming & secured 3rd in 200mtr breast stroke.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Surat District Aquatic Championship,Surat on 22nd April,  2015 in swimming & secured 3rd in 100mtr breast stroke.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in All India Open Sea Swimming Competition (Distance 6 km) on 17th November, 2015 Held at Indian Naval Waterman Ship Training Centre, Colaba-Mumbai in swimming &  was placed 7th rank.

Student Achievement 2017

Sr. No

Name & Achievement of students


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Khel Maha Kumbh – 2016 Gandhinagar  during 18th January  to 18th February  2016 in swimming & win 1st prize in 100mtr free style.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Khel Maha Kumbh – 2016 Gandhinagar  during 18th January  to 18th February  2016 in swimming & win 1st prize in 100mtr breast stroke


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Surat District Aquatic Championship, Surat on 22nd April,  2015 in swimming & secured 3rd in 50mtr free style.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Surat District Aquatic Championship,Surat on 22nd April,  2015 in swimming & secured 3rd in 200mtr breast stroke.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Surat District Aquatic Championship,Surat on 22nd April,  2015 in swimming & secured 3rd in 100mtr breast stroke.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in All India Open Sea Swimming Competition (Distance 6 km) on 17th November, 2015 Held at Indian Naval Waterman Ship Training Centre, Colaba-Mumbai in swimming &  was placed 7th rank.


Mehali K. Bhajiwala (146370309004) has been participated in Khel Maha Kumbh – 2017 Gandhinagar  on  30/08/2017 in swimming & win 1st prize in 100mtr breast.

Student Achievement2018

State Level Rank


Gujrati Hemil Niteshbhai


GTU State Level 2nd Rank in

Summer 2018 Exam 6th Sem


Chaturvedi Shivam Kamleshkumar


GTU State Level 3rd  Rank in

Summer 2018 Exam 4th Sem 


Prajapati Piyushkumar Bhaniram  176370309062

GTU State Level 5th  Rank in

Summer 2018 Exam 2nd Sem 


Chaturvedi Shivam Kamleshkumar 166370309006

GTU State Level 8th   Rank in

Winter 2018 Exam 5th Sem 

Student Achievement  – 2019


Sr. No.

Name of Student with PEN

Details of achievement



Kushwaha Deepakkumar Anilkumar- 166370309029

National Level Project Competition B.B.I.T. Creato 2019

“Ultrasonic Blind walking stick “

Event Dt. 30 March 2019

2nd Rank

Cash prize 10000/-


Karne Mitesh Hanumant -166370309026


Patel KrutikVijaybhai- 166370309050

Student Achievement -2022


Sr. No.

Name of Student with PEN

Details of achievement




1st Runner up in E-QUIZ Event of TECHFEST Visvesmurti 2021 held during 15th To 16th Sept. 2021 in RNGPIT



JOSHI OM CHETANBHAI – 206370309044



2nd Runner up in E-QUIZ Event of TECHFEST Visvesmurti 2021 held during 15th To 16th Sept. 2021 in RNGPIT






2nd Rank in 48 to 51 k.g. event in Taekwondo during 18th To 23 Nov. 2019 in KHEL MAHAKUMBH-2019

State Level



Participate in MEA Floorball League held at Maliba Education Academy Bardoli on 7th Feb. 2020


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